Sunday, March 16, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering

In case you ever wondered if those little colored tablets that you use to color Easter eggs are toxic, they are not! Should your child put them in their mouth because they think they are candy he or she will be fine. They may make a funny face, start crying and then spit the little pieces all over your carpet, but they won't die.

If you ever wondered if those pretty little colored tablets will stain your carpet, they will!

This is one of those special places in our house that we will walk by thousands of times and remember our sweet little girl. Right in the middle of our hall way we have this nice, rather large splash of color. Just adding that touch of spring that we could all use this time of year as we anxiously await the arrival of spring. The sun shines through the bathroom window right on the stain. It's kind of pretty!

Oh, and if you have ever wondered if those pretty little tablets will stain your hands and tongue, they will!

Any ideas you have to get the stain out are welcome! We have tried the Resolve carpet cleaner, nail polish remover, the wet vac.... I am not too hopeful that this dye will come out!


Michelle said...

oh Erin, that stinks!
once my in-laws spilled paint on their carpet and filed a claim with home owner's insurance. i don't know if that would be an option. maybe your deductible would be too high.

option 2-- call your buddy in the carpet laying biz. maybe they have a nice remnant for you :)

you are not alone, we have many, many stains in our carpet too. I like rugs.

wow, that was a lot of rambling on! good luck!

Karsten Family said...

oh shoot! that's one of those times when you don't know whether to yell or laugh...but i am sure i would be yelling:) bummer about the carpet...glad she didn't get sick!

Jill said...

Bummer about the carpet, but it looks like you guys had fun!
I think that I know someone in the carpet business that can take care of that for you!!
We'll talk soon!